Popular Culture and Media Technology


The image above was generated by AI when I typed “popular culture and media technology” into its program. Humans have a slightly different perspective.

“Mass media becomes popular culture” (Powers, 2022). Our world and our relationships are shaped by the tools and machines we use for communicating and connecting.

Popular culture is essentially defined by the content shared through these machines, if the content has mass appeal. This may include information from old media as well as the current digital counterparts. Social media platforms, games, entertainment, and commercialism also play a role in creating the shared reality that is popular culture.

Our connections through these machines allow us to work and keep in touch with family and friends. It also allows us to get the important news of the day, which used to be the realm of journalists. But with this interconnectedness, the lines between journalists and readers/consumers have been blurred. Next time, we will look at this evolving relationship.

For now, check out this video for some deeper thoughts on the cultural powers of media technology.


Powers, D. (2022). The problem of popular culture. Communication Theory32(4), 461–470. https://doi-org.ezproxy.snhu.edu/10.1093/ct/qtac011

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